Empower your sales team Now work remotely with ZOHO CRM

While sales teams across the world are moving towards increased remote working capabilities, we recognize that managing a sales team remotely is no easy feat. Zoho CRM ensures that remote work won’t cause a dip in your numbers, and that your sales team stays productive wherever they are.

What makes Zoho CRM the right fit for remote work?
CRM | Meetings & Presentations | Collaboration | Productivity| Analytics | Mobility

You don’t need to worry about upgrades, infrastructure costs or compatibility with multiple software and Operating system. All you need is an internet connection, and with a few clicks, your team will be up and running in no time. Zoho CRM integrates with a wide range of popular web meeting and conferencing applications including BlueJeans, GoToMeeting, Join.me, TeamViewer, Zoom Meeting, Cisco WebEx, Zoho Meeting.


Why do you need CRM?

Implementing a CRM for your business can help you not only organize your contacts, leads and deals, but also automate time-consuming processes like data entry, and instead focus more attention on forming strategies and interacting with customers. As a business owner with a very small / large sales team, you need to ensure productivity stays streamlined and maximum. This way, all their time and effort is spent on where it matters the most—delivering a stellar customer experience, and building brand loyalty. It is important for your sales team that they have access to customer data at all times. This allows them to be on the move, close deals more effectively, quickly and keep everyone in the loop.

Research says that, there is

300% increase in conversion rates when a CRM is implemented
8X ROI for every rupee spent when companies use CRM.
47% higher customer retention when CRM is implemented

Here's why Zoho CRM is the best choice for your remote sales teams.

Zoho CRM truly helps you build and maintain strong relationships with your customers, suppliers, stack holders and team members With Zoho CRM – your business gets more organized, getting more visibility, seeing where the problem points are, and restructuring your business. It’s free, extremely customizable, flexible, and it’s mobile!

Get real-time prospect alerts

Get notified immediately when someone visits your website, opens your email, or mentions your brand on social media. Do you have a new lead trying to contact you? Sales Signals alerts your team immediately, so you don’t miss out on a sale.

Save more time with automation

Automate every aspect of your business and cut out time-intensive, repetitive tasks. Streamline your lead nurturing process and make the most of every incoming lead Trigger instant actions, stay on top of activities, and follow up better with workflows

Save time with automatic call logging

Automatic call logging makes manual data entry a thing of the past.
Use the call pop-up window to add notes, create follow-up tasks,
or assign the contact you spoke with to another rep.

Get in-depth sales analytics on the go

Our robust Zoho CRM Analytics can help your sales reps and managers stay in control by giving them access to your Analytics dashboards on the go. Keep track of your KPIs, compare sales performance across teams, and turn your sales objectives into achievable targets.


Sell more on the go

Every sell does not takes place from your office. That’s why Zoho CRM helps you close deals on the move with Zoho mobile app. You can see your dashboards, get to know your nearby prospects, and geotag your visits as they happen. You will also be able to create tasks, calls, meetings, or other reminders, as well as sync any offline data as soon as you get online

Get real-time reports and insights

Our robust Zoho CRM Analytics can help your sales reps and managers stay in control by giving them access to your Analytics dashboards on the go. Keep track of your KPIs, compare sales performance across teams, and turn your sales objectives into achievable targets. Make smarter business decisions with powerful, real-time analytics Measure and manage your organization’s territory-wide sales performance Track key performance indicators, including current trends and future predictions

Get real-time prospect alerts

Get notified immediately when someone visits your website, opens your email, or mentions your brand on social media. Do you have a new lead trying to contact you? Sales Signals alerts your team immediately, so you don’t miss out on a sale.

360-degree customer view

When your customer data is spread out across different office, computers, spreadsheets, consolidating them all become difficult. With the 360-degree view inside Zoho CRM, all your lead’s emails, live chats, campaigns, meetings, social media posts and deals are aggregated into a common timeline history. This allows you to better understand your customer’s purchasing habits, your team’s sales approach, design better marketing campaigns, and engage in informed business decisions.

Zoho CRM – Highly Scalable

It fits with any size of organization – micro (1 User Organization) to large corporate (Amazon India).
Besides CRM, It has plenty of in-house developed solution available with it.
You get perfectly integrated complete solution as you grow from small office to multinational organization.
It has following add-on modules.

Extend your office to your home. Sign up now.

Don’t let distance, transportation, or any other disruptions create a barrier for your work. Sign up for Zoho CRM for free, and enjoy a hassle-free remote work experience.

Join 150,000+ businesses who sell smarter, better and faster with Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM offers complete suite for your business.





































Zoho Global presence

With offices and data centers in multiple countries, a globally dispersed team, and an international network of renowned SI partners, we’ll help get you set up to start building great customer relationships, increase sales, and drive growth—regardless of your geographical location